e-Digital Signature provide all types of Digital Signature in Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Greater Noida with best service and support.
Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate is considered as the best and much secure in the form of a digital certificate. This is much secure due to its uses in the online transactions process. This kind of certificates is mandatory by the Government of India for e-Ticketing, e-Tendering, e-Procurement and trademark filing. Class3 certificates make sure that your transactions are 100% safe and genuine. It also ensures that your transaction is 100% encrypted.
This kind of certificate is necessary for individuals who are making payments online in huge or bulk manner. This type of certificate makes the user’s payment safe and secure. For example e-ticketing for railway agents who needs to make payment in bulk for so many tickets. This type of certificate ensures the ticket agent that his online transaction is fully secure and encrypted.
This certificate is required for those who are presenting his business entity and filing government tender. Persons are required this certificate with the certification. In order to get this certificate individual should complete their documentation and require authorization from the authorized agency.
Class 3 digital signature certificate for E-Ticketing: Every authorized agent must have this class 3 digital signature certificate which is necessary to issue a ticket to any user. To obtain a class 3digital signature certificate for E-Ticketing, the agent is required to fill the application form and thereafter need to submit documents. To obtain the Digital signature certificate for E-Ticketing, the agent has to visit the office physically for verification purpose and after obtaining the class 3 DSC, an agent is required to register himself with IRCTC as a principal-agent.
E-Ticketing is the online process to book tickets that are initiated by the IRCTC passenger. Any authorized agent should have class 3 digital signature certificates to book E-Ticket. Now a day’s IRCTC has been mandating the concept of the digital signature certificate to login and issue the tickets. So every authorized agent must have this class 3 digital signature certificate which is also known as Class 3A signing only.
Class 3 digital signature certificate is an online identity of any person which are used to sign any document. Digital signature certificates are required to contains various fields of person personal information like name, age, email id, country name, state and many more. The digital certificate is categorized into three classes and class 3 digital signature is more secure out of the three certificates.
E-tendering is very helpful in time-saving, save the efforts and increase the chance of transparency. E-Tendering is the centralized system that is used to help the vendor to track the order. E-Tendering also helps them to upload necessary documents and receive a response immediately which are factor those reduces time and efforts.
Central Board of Excise and custom has been introduced the concept of digital signature certificate for importer and exporter, airline and their agents, customs broker to file custom’s process like documents like the entry of bills, shipping bills, CGM, EGM through remote EDI system.
In this type of certificates, organization user DSC, Name of the applicant and Organization both will be present there.
Digital signature mart provides a class 3 digital signature for e Tendering for participating in online tendering on the various website of India. Class 3 digital signature certificate is categorized into two categories, the first one is only signing and another one is only encryption and combo. Class 3 digital signature certificates for encryption and combo comes with a minimum 1-year license and maximum 2-year license.Class 3 digital signature for e tendering price will be approximate around Rs 2500-2800 for one year.
This digital signature certificate is class 3 Certificates which is usely used by foreign organizations or Indian individual presently outside India.
The document signer certificate records endorser testament is disseminated for authoritative programming application for working consequently and confirm archives and data ascribed to the association by the advanced mark applied to the reports.
We are explaining some department’s website who is accepting class 3 individual user digital certificates in the current time.